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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do what you want. Do what you are.


It's question in many peoples mind, what should I do with my life? Give, the amount of pressure that an average human being is it can be overwhelming. Many of us end up doing what we don't want. As a result we become sad and sour and we let it trickle to the people around you, your friends, family, and workmates.
The main reason why people don't end up doing what the want is because of fear and self doubt. Many of us don't believe in ourselves, the question is if you don't believe in yourself then how can others believe in you?
Fear is another factor that makes us crippled, the thing about fear is that you'll never know if you are going to make it if you never try. It's a major crime to have an idea and you don't execute it all because you had a little fear.
There is a lot to be said about this subject and I could probably fill some few pages ranting but the fact is find out want you want to do with your life and do it. Don't worry about anyone else do it for yourself and you will end up being happy in the end.
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