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Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to wake up immediately in the morning


I think that one of the most common problem with people is waking up in the morning. Sure we set that alarm, but we love that snooze button. Want to wake up in the morning without wasting any more time? Here is how you  do it.

Move the alarm clock!

The closer the clock is to you, the higher the temptation to stretch and switch it off. Place the clock at a considerable distance from the bet such that you have to get off bed to witch it off. Also get rid of the alarm tone that you like and use one that annoys you. That way you will want to switch it off faster and once you get off the bed, it's easy to stay awake and get going with your day.

Develop a regular sleep pattern

Try to go bed and wake up at roughly the same time  each night and keep the alarm set for the same time. Do this even on weekends, this way your body will get used to the routine of waking up at the same time.


Even if you had the best intentions the night before about waking up at a certain time, it won't seem apealing the next morning. The trick is continued practice. Push yourself to get up immediately on waking up on time and in time it will be a habitual routine with no conscious thought required.

Get moving

Stop lazying around after you wake up. Get moving! This stimulates your brain and body, and shrug off the sleep. Exercise can be a good factor for motivating getting up straight away if you to fit it in before getting to work.


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