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Saturday, June 8, 2013

The goals you never hear about.


Doing goal setting with friends and colleagues is always motivating and invigorating. You here things ranging from, "I want to help this village get out of poverty," or "I want to double our market share," or "I want to be financially independent."

What you rarely hear is, "I don't want to fail," "I don't want to look stupid," or "I don't want to make any mistakes."

The problem is that those goals are really common, and left unsaid, they dominate. If your goal is not to be called in a class, that's a largely achievable goal, right?

It's not stupid to have stated a goal of stating several ventures that will fail, or asking three stupid questions, or posting a blog post that the whole world disagrees with. If you don't have goals like this, how exactly are you going to luck into being remarkable?
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