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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How beer and coffee affects your life

Beer and coffee, where would man be without these two drinks. They are part of life, coffee starts up our days and beer? Well beer ends up our weeks, beer is there when we are stressed and lost, it's there during the good and the bad times. Recently there has been a growing culture among start-ups, where beer is available partially to maintain a casual, happy environment in office, it cab also help foster creativity and improve coworker social connections.

However a question may come up, how do this two affect us. While beer can loosen your inhibitions and make you mire creative, it can also shorten your memory and decrease your focus. On the other hand, coffee provides you with energy and improve your focus.

So, when you are trying to come up with a good idea, grab a beer and coffee it up once you have your idea and are ready to get to work.

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