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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Proving the skeptics wrong


"It'll never last..."

"Someone with her background will never make a pro of this...."

"Are you kidding me? Pathetic Delusional!"

"Social media is a fad, the iPad is a toy, you're never going to amount to anything...."

Here's the thing about proving skeptics wrong: They don't care. They won't learn. They will stay skeptics. The ones who said the airplane would never fly ignored the success of the Wright Bros. and went on to become skeptical about something else. And when they got onto and airplane, they didn't apologize to the engineers on their way in.

I used to have a list, and I kept it in my head, the list of people who rejected, who were skeptical, who stood in the way. What  I discovered was that it wasn't the point of the work, and my goal wasn't actually to prove these folks wrong, it was only to do the work that was worth doing. So long ago I stopped keeping track. It's not about the skeptics. It's about the people who care about, support and enable.

Instead of working so hard to prove skeptics wrong, it makes a lot more sense to delight the true believers. They deserve ti, and they're the  ones that area going to spread the word for you.
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