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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Easiest Way to Finally Get Organized


Feeling organized still remains the elusive dream for many and it makes sense, however if you want to live your life to the fullest, it’s good to get organized.
The question is where do you start when you are feeling overwhelmed? And do you even know when you are doing something wrong?
You could try to identify what you need to work on, especially your time thieves. it you feel like you are always putting out fires, perhaps you should brush up on your prioritization skills. If you often feel stressed and overwhelmed, you might need to implement some system structure to guide you. However, there is an easier way to finally get organized.
You need to adjust your time management skills to suit your needs. What works for your colleague might not work for you. The extent that you can plan your days will largely be influenced by the type of work you do, of course, if your work is more structured, it is easier.
Here are some tips that might help you.

Step 1: Put it all down

Number one is always clear on everything you have to do. So start by writing down all your tasks on a To-Do list. You must separate all your tasks into one-off, routine tasks, projects, long term, tasks, etc.
Remember to break your tasks down into manageable steps and then prioritize them.

Step 2: Get your calendar out

With your To-Do list  in one hand and your calendar in the other, you are going to plan the next week, weeks or month ahead.
1. First put in your routine tasks that you have on your list. These are all the tasks that you often do and block this time in  your calendar. Lunch breaks and coffee breaks should be scheduled in your calendar and don’t forget to batch tasks where possible. It also helps to categorize tasks by color.
2. Block off hours in the day, preferably 1 to 2 hours at a time throughout the day, working around your routine tasks. Looking at your to To-Do list, select the priority tasks and include them in the various blocked off hours in the week. Your schedule will now include your routine tasks and the other important tasks coming up.
  • You must leave at least one hour a day free on your schedule for unforeseen crises
  • Create balance and flow in your schedule that you feel comfortable with. Your schedule must be realistic and ensure you estimated your timing time well.

Step 3: Reinforce your schedule

  1. Identify obstacles. Think about obstacles or challenges that might come up for you when you attempt to implement this new structure. You know what will be difficult and what will be made easier for you. Whatever your obstacles are, you need to identify them.
  2. Overcome obstacles. Plan how you are going to overcome your obstacles so you are prepared with tools to move forward. Remind yourself of the benefits of what you are doing when you lose a little motivation, be the voice that champions you when you need it.
  Imagine ending the day feeling that you accomplished everything you wanted to. How much would it mean to you feel less stressed and overwhelmed? Most energy needed to make this change is needed at the beginning. Getting organized isn’t difficult, having the commitment and dedication to make the change is the hardest for most. If you can do that, getting organized will be a breeze.
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