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Sunday, September 8, 2013

13 rules high achievers never break


For you to become successful in life, there are certain rules you ought not to break. Life is governed by principles, and it's those principles that we embrace that determine whether or not we will attain greatness. Aboyami Jegede of Lifehack looked at the lives of certain greatmen and came up with 13 rules that high achievers never break.
  1. Don't act the way you are feeling. Instead, act the way you want to feel.
  2. Make peace with your past so that it won't screw up with your present.
  3. Don't answer ads that promise get-rich-schemes because it won't be you who gets rich quick.
  4. You can't
  5. Don't compare your life to others and don't judge them; you have no idea what their journey is.
  6. do everything yourself, so get help along the way.
  7. Don't envy what others have; you don't know how they got it.
  8. If you can't say anything nice, don't say.
  9. Be comfortable only outside of your comfort zone.
  10. If you are going to jump off a bridge, make sure you know how deep the water is.
  11. Change only what you can change and let go of the rest.
  12. What others think of you is none of your business.
  13. Never test the depth of the river with both feet.
  14. Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.
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