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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Design Your Own Hipster Logo


There are three important steps for any Hipster looking to launch their own venture

First up - wardrobe and sytle essentials. You'll need a pair of wide-frame glasses, a beard, skinny jeans, a beanie and a T-shirt displaying a wolf howling on the at the moon.

Second, choose among one of the follonwing enterprises: grow and can your own organic vegetables, repair fixed gear bicycles, hand make allergen free soaps or whip up and authentic, artisan baked good or cheese.

Finally, no Hipster business would be complete without its very own Hipster Logo. Thankfully, graphic designer Tim Delger created a step-by-step guide to crafting a sleep hipster symbol any purveyor or craftsman would be proud of.

Once you nail down a name and a color scheme, Deleger's guide will help you hack your way to a hipster logo in no time. By combining icons and banners, with keywords and type face the business branding process will be a breeze.
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