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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Are "YOU" trying to get back on your feet?


………now, ‘you’ very well know that ‘you’ or I or anyone else for that matter cannot change our past or what we did or happened to us in the past, neither can we do good now just as a cover up for the ill things we did in the past , right?
Among other things that ‘you’ must do to overcome or correct and not repeat what ‘you’ did in the past is to realize and accept that ‘you’ did it yourself, regardless of ‘your’ motive. ‘You’ did not do it as a result of pressure from friends or so as to fit in the society (although ‘you’ may want to believe otherwise as a consolation, which is what really leads ‘you’ to repeating it over and over). Did ‘you’ maybe do it to please somebody? To piss off somebody or some buddies? ‘You’ know what? That somebody is now living their lives as normal, without even remembering that ‘you’ did such a thing, while ‘you’, on the other hand, is still mourning what ‘you’ did then. What does that really show ‘you’? That in this life, ‘you’ matter first, and then others follow. If something doesn’t please your heart, why then do it to satisfy others while ‘you’ writhe in pain, alone? Please never do something in life for others at your expense.
‘You’ must overcome and try and forget that you ever did it; it’s already spilled milk, go look for other milk.

Again, know that what ‘you’ have done in the past does not determine how ‘you’ will live tomorrow, but what ‘you’ do today do. Also, it’s not how ‘you’ start the race that matters but how ‘you’ collect ‘yourself’, dust yourself up and continue with the journey, finish it good. 

‘YOU’, the rest of ‘your’ life actually starts NOW. So, this is the chance ‘you’ got to live the rest of ‘your’ life as good as ‘you’ would want. It’s the chance that ‘you’ got to change ‘yourself’. Some weird guy told me yesterday that “persistence breaks resistance”. So, if ‘you’ think that something inside ‘you’ is resisting ‘your’ bid to try and change ‘your’ poor character, persistence will definitely kill it. Try it, it works.

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