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Monday, April 1, 2013

Why we should dream big.


The people who change the world are those who are crazy enough to think they can.
                                                                                                                    Bill Gates.

Dreaming big isn't new thing, you have heard it a lot of times but sometimes it doesn't make sense. Most people ask themselves why dream big, great expectations lead to great dissapointments.
Yes I do agree that dreaming big can sometimes leave a person stressed and disappointed, but what most of us don't realize it gives us a purpose to wake up every day and do what we want to do. When you dream you act and when you act you give you life purpose. You don't have to get exactly what you wanted but the feeling that you get from actually trying, and making some progress however little, well,  thats a good feeling.
It's good to dream and its even better to act on your dreams, don't worry if you don't get what you want just know that you did better than the person who never even had a dream.
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