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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Walk the path.


"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." It's funny actually I heard this quote in a movie while they were quoting another movie, and it stuck on my mind and set me thinking about what it may mean.
Many people know what they should do with their life, they know good from bad, right from wrong and they know what they should do with their lives so as to get where they want. That is they know the path that they should follow.
However out of all those people very few take the initiative, those baby steps to walk the path. Very few people have that courage to actually go after what they want. And even for those who actually are wiling to walk that path most just get tired along the way, they meet a few challenges and they decide that its too hard for them.
The truth of the matter is that life is not simple, we will always face challenges. There is no point in life that we will say that we don't even have a single problem. That path that you decide to follow there is going to be a lot of obstacles, and with each obstacle that you tackle you come out a better person.
So don't just know the path, walk it.
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