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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happiness is a state of the mind.


When I first heard this I didn't understand what it meant but over time I have come over some of the things that we do and they limit our happiness some of the things include.
1. You're Not Organized.

Being unorganized creates unwanted stress. It makes it difficult to concentrate, and it almost guarantees that your schedule won't run smoothly. When I'm not organized, I'm forgetting things. I'm misplacing things. And I'm almost always moving in high gear because I'm running late. It's exhausting. All of these things suppress the creative flow and thus, your ability to problem-solve, daydream, and get things done. As a result, even the smallest of tasks can become monumental challenges, and by the time you've finally muddled your way through, you're no longer operating in that peak state where the really good stuff happens.

2. You're Overwhelmed.

In addition to struggling with organization, I also have a knack for taking on more than I can handle or, as my mother used to say, "spreading myself too thin." It's not that I want to operate at such a high stress level—it's just that I get excited about new projects and can't wait to get started.
As a result, I frequently have several projects running simultaneously at any given time and before I know it, I have too much going to really concentrate on any one thing. And if you can't give something your full attention, it won't reflect the benefits of all your brilliance. Stay in this state for too long, and you'll find that your motivation leaves you completely. You're no longer just feeling the anxiety that comes from being so "stretched" - you'll actually lack the inspiration to tackle even the smallest of tasks and when you do force yourself to take action, it will never be your best work.

 3. You're Not Following You're "Bliss".

Plain and simple—if you don't like what you're doing, you're not going to thrive while you're doing it.
Now, we all have times when we "have to do what we have to do." And that's perfectly OK. I've taken jobs that offered little in the way of personal fulfillment but went a long way in helping us make ends meet and when you're faced with that kind of situation, well, you do what you have to do. But all too often, we resign ourselves to that goal of "just getting by." The temporary fix becomes a permanent safety net and we forego our dreams in exchange for predictability and security.

4. You're Not Taking Enough Risk.

Speaking of safety nets, you'll never know what you're capable of if you always insist on playing it safe. That doesn't mean that you can't take precautions and that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your research or ask questions or weigh your options. It just means that sometimes, you have to take a chance.

 5. You're Too Serious.

Doctors' visits are serious. So are taxes and wars and meetings with your boss. Life in general? Not so much. Yes, life can have some pretty somber moments, but it's not meant to be lived in such a solemn state all the time.
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