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Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Love is perhaps the most difficult emotion to describe. If someone has never felt love then I can't really tell him/her how it feels I can only try and explain how it feels.

It's funny how in one moment love can make you the happiest person on earth and the next it can bring so much pain that you would want to tear you're heart out of your chest.
There three things about love that I should mention.

1. You don't choose who you fall in love with.

This sucks but it's the complete and utter truth. Most people have this dream about the person they want to fall in love with. They then meet a person that is completely different and without knowing it they find that they are madly in love. Some of us find that we are love with people that we never expected or planned to. It's no surprise if you wake up one day and find out that you are in love with you're best friend, or with that person you never get along with.

2. Love hurts.

Love is definitely the most powerful emotion in the world and with it can bring so much pain. Love can make people do crazy things, things we  thought we are not capable of doing, especially when we are hurting, it can make a man go on a shooting spree, or it can make someone take their own life. All that matters is how you handle you're pain.
What most people don't understand is that love and hurt go hand in hand, if you love then you should be ready to be hurt, knowing this makes you ready do deal with the pain when it comes.

3. Love is beautiful.

There is nothing as beautiful as love. When you find the right person and they love you back, it makes you happy. You get that feeling of satisfaction, everyday is wonderful. You know there is someone you can count on no matter what. You get a feeling of safety, it makes you want to live life no matter what kind of problems you may face you have someone to be there with you.

4. Sometimes love fades away.

It's not a guarantee that love lasts forever. Some people fall madly in love, get married start their life then their love starts fading away. They find they can't stand each other, it's one of the main reasons that so many people get divorced these days. Some people rush a little bit too much and they  find out that they only had a fluke. We should be careful before taking any steps, we should take our time and find out what we really feel. When we are finally sure then we can take the steps forward.

They say there is someone for everyone, I highly doubt this. Not everyone gets a happy ending. Not everyone will find true love. Not everyone will be loved. Not everyone will  love, some people are destined to be alone and lonely. Some people are destined to love people they will never end up with. Life is unfair and it's a fact.

A friend of mine once told me  "two people don't fall in love because they share the same bed but because they share the same dreams" don't know if that is true but I'm going to leave it up to you to find out.
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