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Friday, May 10, 2013

Show me your friends.


I may have not lived long but I have lived long enough to know that your friends define who you are. 
In my short life time I have had a lot of close friends and they always come and go, but each and everyone did have a different effect on my personality.  Some had a positive effect and some a negative effect.
We should be very careful as to how to choose our friends. Choose a drunkard and you will most certainly end up drinking with him. Choose a pessimistic friend and they will always be discouraging you. Good friends are people who accept you for who you are.
However it’s good to note that we can’t always choose who our friends are. Some friends are forged out of circumstances and they can be hard to break. It’s also not fair to be friends with someone based on their behavior they may need you in order to change.
There are no guidelines on how to choose friends only instinct, but if you may happen to find a good friend keep them close, don’t ever let them go because real friends are the hardest to find.
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