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Friday, May 24, 2013

The Post-College Survival Guide


You have spend those five to four years working towards you degree but once you get it you are lost. Where do you start? What are you not doing?
After finishing college you may get a feeling of relief but once you realize that you have to get back into the game you will know that moving forward is more than getting a job.
Here are some tips that might help you get off your feet.

1. Get your resume into order.

Your resume might be one of hardest things to put together after you are done with college because you probably don't have that much experience. However you may include some your personal or school projects in the resume when you are looking for your first job.
Also  you may include any internships that you have done, accomplishments, and volunteer service. While you are doing this it is good to keep yourself busy to keep building your skills. If you run into any trouble your schools career services is a good place to start for getting help with your resume and figuring out where to start and connecting with other alumni.

2. Prepare yourself for you first interviews.

Lets be blunt you are going to be going for a lot of interviews and you are going to make a lot of mistakes. That's okay it happens but you can do a few things to get you into the game.
For you first few interviews you need to concentrate on the basics. That means that you should be a ninja at responding to interview questions like "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want to work for us," or "Tell me about a problem you have solved in the past."

3. Get you mind ready for your career

You nailed the resume,  you killed the you killed the interviews and   now you are on your way to you to your first job. Now what? It's time to get past those first few months at your new career.
te first few days are for getting to know your job, do not be afraid to ask questions so you can know what is expected of you. Accept that you will make a few mistakes. Also prepare yourself for a lot of hard work , potentially for hours, and a lot of mistakes.

4. Straighten out your student loans.

The sooner you get rid of you student loans the better. The loan will increase every year and the longer you take the more you will have to pay.  You should know you loan repayment options and consider consolidating your loans. The big take away here is that you do not want to let your, loan default under any conditions.

5. Get your personal finances in order.

Your student loan debt is a beast of its own, but chances are that you walk out with your degree your whole financial situation is going to change. You will lose all the allowances you get from you parents.
Depending on your needs, you have a few really solid options to make money management easier.
Regardless of whether you're coming into a  new job where you're making more money, or you're struggling to find work, managing you're finances will make you life in future a lot easier.

 6.Learn a few of those skills you've been putting off.

It is time to learn all of those skills that you have  been putting off, perhaps you never learned to cook or you never did your own laundry, this are some of the skills that you should start with.
Here are some other things that you should catch up on one you are done with college, find a new place to live, keep your house clean and organized, do some traveling.


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