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Thursday, June 6, 2013

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything


What does it take to succeed? Hard work, a positive attitude? Sure this will get you half way there.
How about if you want to go further? Good question, you need more skills. Some of the skills are taught in school others are learned in our day to day lives, others you have to get a book and read about them.

Success is defined, it takes actions, and taking good actions takes good skills.

Below is a list of general skills that will help you, take that extra step towards your goal.

1. Public Speaking.

This is so obvious that I won't say much. People who can speak persuasively, and forcefully in front of an audience come out as more comfortable with themselves, more confident, and more attractive to be around. Being able to speak means that you can sell your ideas and youself.

2. Writing

Writing well offers many of the same advantages that speaking well offers: good writers are better at selling ideas, and themselves. Learning to write well involves not just mastery of grammar but the development of the ability  organize one's thoughts into a coherent form and target to an audience on the most effective way.

3. Self-Management

If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most. Strong organization skills, effective productivity habits, and a strong sense of discipline are needed to keep yourself on track.

4. Networking

Networking is not only for finding jobs or clients. In an economy dominated by ideas and innovation, networking creates the channel through which ideas flow and in which ideas are created.

5. Critical Thinking

Today we are exposed to a lot information as compared to our grandparents. Being able to potentially process all the information in an effective way and take action based on our thoughts is a critical skill and it will distinguish you from the masses.

6. Decision Making

The bridge that takes the analysis in critical thinking to taking the appropriate action is decision making. People who are able to make good decisions in the shortest time possible are in short supply and they have an advantage over others. Being able to take in the scene and respond quickly and effectively is what separates the doers from the wannabes.

7. Math

The ability to quickly work with figures in your head, and to make rough but fairly accurate estimates, and to understand things like compound interest and basic statistics gives you a big lead on most people. These skills will help you to analyze data more effectively - and more quickly - and  to make better decisions based on it.

8. Research

You don't have to know everything but you should know how to find what you need to know when you need to know it. This means you should know how to use the internet and the library effectively. Also you should read productive material, and learn how to leverage your network of contacts effectively.

9. Relaxation

Stress leads to poor decision making, poor thinking and poor socialization. It's good to relax time to time and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Being able to face even the most pressing crises with your wits about you and in the most productive way is the most productive way is possibly the most important thing in this list.

10. Basic Accounting

Knowing how to track and record your expenses and income is important not to just to thrive, but also to survive.

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