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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

To be social is to be forgiving.


Forgiving yourself is a crucial element of being productive and successful. Forgiving others, however, is just as important to getting along in both personal relationships and society at large.

One particularly illuminating piece from the Mayo Clinic explains why failing to forgive others can have a negative impact on us:

When you're hurt by someone you love and trust, you might become very angry, sad or confused. If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges, filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take foot, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice.

If you're unforgiving, you might pay the price repeatedly by bringing anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience. Your life might become so wrapped in the wrong that you can't enjoy the present. You might become depressed or anxious. You might feel that your life lacks meaning or purpose, or that you're at odds with your spiritual beliefs. You might lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others.

Even if you don't use forgiveness as a tool to repair rifts with current social contacts, the benefits to your own overall health and happiness may be enough to justify letting go of old grudges and minor offenses.

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