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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

7 People you should befriend at work.


When you don't quite know your way around the office -- or even if you know -- it's good to know people in high places.

But "high places," doesn't neccesarily mean the exucutive suite. While making friends with the CEO probably won't hurt, there are a few well-known office archetypes who can really help you out.

So, when you're starting a new job, seek out these seven officemates.

1. The human snack machine.

You know the feeling: It's 4 p.m., and you're starting to get the "maybe that rice cake wasn't enough for lunch" shakes (or the "a client just yelled at me for 20 minutes straight" need for stress relieving indulgence), and you're a quater short for anything in the snack machine.

This is precisely when it pays to know that guy in the marketing department who keeps a drawer full of candy -- and is willing to share in exchange for a few minutes of chit-chat. (Just make sure to occasionally offer treats in return of contribute to the snack fund.)

2. The socialite.

If you're not actively filling the role of Happy Hour Coordinator Extraordinaire, you should befriend whoever is -- and quick. At least, you should if you want to be in the loop about co-worker get-togethers.

Besides the obvious fact this will help you make new pals, you'll also get to know people in other departments -- so when you need help with an upcoming event or hiring a new employee, you'll know exactly who to ask.

3. Your personal IT guru.

When Monday morning comes, the last thing you want to face is the blue screen of death on you monitor. Sure, you could put in a request with the IT department, but you'll be forced to wait for a response.

Or, you could get to know someone a few cubes over who can help you out in a crunch -- like when you have a report due to and your computer won't turn on you can't figure what's wrong. With some quick handiwork from a techy colleague, you'll be good to go.

4. The older sibling.

Mentors are great when you want important advice about your professional development. But an older work sibling can really help you out when it comes to your less serious career quandaries.

Typically this person is a little bit higher up, has been with the company a bit longer and, well generally knows more than you.

5. The selfless volunteer.

It's Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m., and you're working on a project with a strict 5 p.m. deadline. And let's just say -- things are not looking good.

Enter the dependable volunteer -- the person who seems to pop up out of nowhere asking if you need help. Even when he is planning to head out of the office at 4:35 p.m., he'll hunker down and help you meet that deadline. Best of all, he won't hold it over your head the next time he needs a favor.

6. The encourager

Most offices have an ample supply of pessimists -- the co-workers who tell you why ideas won't work, swear that you'll never get a raise and find a hole in any suggestion you make.

Then -- every once in a while -- you'll come across someone who always manages to put a positive spin on things. Even if your idea is a stupid one.

And when you find that optimist -- hold onto her/him. There's nothing better than having a constant source of encouragement.

7. The helpless newbie.

While it's nice to be on receiving end of all this benefit's, it's also good to step out of your way to help out someone less experienced. Spot a newbie who isn't sure which to use? See someone wondering the halls, aimlessly looking for office #702?\

By adopting a less-experienced co-worker, you'll boost your leadership skills and have a chance to become a kick-ass mentor.

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