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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 Tricks to get more done.


Many of us wonder how to get more done in our busy schedules. Here is how you can get more done in a shorter period of time.

 The first tip is to find out the time of the day that you're most productive. During this time handle the thing in your to do list that you hate doing the most. This way you will get that to-do as fast as possible so you can get more done once the task you usually put off is off the way.

It's also important to realize that while communication with your clients is important, it can reduce your productivity. Set aside some time for communicating with all your clients then put the phone aside to avoid looking at it. This way you will avoid wasting time looking at your emails and texts.

Listen to some music. Music will energize you. Choose music that will not distract to you. Some dance music is especially good while you go through your to-do list. It's amazing at how much you can get done while listening to your favorite jam tunes.

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