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Thursday, June 13, 2013

An Idiots Guide to Creativity


Here are six tips that will help boost your creativity.

1. Keep a notebook and pencil near at all tips

Ideas are like in-laws, you never know when they will show up. By keeping a notebook around you will always be able to capture your ideas at any time of the day.

Leonardo da Vinci was well known for keeping a journal of his ideas. A blank page is an open invitation for the creative and curious mind. The simple act of writing gets you into a creative flow that can last for hours.

2. Ask questions

Questions are the root of all knowledge and creativity. By continually asking questions about the world around us, we fuel our creativity.

Great minds are those that have asked the greatest questions.

By asking questions we increase our level of consciousness and our perspective of the world.

3.  Read (A lot)

Reading enhances your mental ability and lets you experience the world form a  brand new perspective.

When we read a book, we let go of  your own perspective of our own perspectives and experience the world from the characters that have been crafted by the author.

4.  Become a whole-brain thinker

There are generally two type of people in this world: left-brained and right-brained.

In most cases, people are either analytical thinkers or highly imaginative individual.

Schools teach us to be analytical thinkers, this has created employees who are very good at following orders but are not so good at following ideas.

To break the mold we must become whole-brain, holistic thinkers. We can achieve this by mind mapping.

Mind mapping has been used by some of history's greatest brains, including Michelangelo, Mark Twain, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Here is a detailed explanation of mind mapping.

5. Seek out new experiences

Our minds are much like a garden. Without proper care, the  weeds will take over. Nothing sparks the mind like learning something new.

If you want to expand your creativity, then learn a new skill. It can be anything you choose. Learn a new language, learn to water ski, learn to play an instrument, pick up typography or even try a new sport. All of there activities get your mind outside of its regular patterns.

6. Imaginary dialogue

It may sound silly, but this technique is a powerful tool for developing creativity.

To do this close your eyes and imagine that you area meeting a mastermind and have a conversion with the mastermind, after doing this for some time you will find that you have developed some of their skills. 

"You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." therefore it's good to have an imaginary dialogue that will give you a different perspective.

Let your mind wonder and you will be surprised at all of the connections you begin to make.

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