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Friday, June 14, 2013

Four ways to figure out what you realy want with your life


Some of us are lost, really lost, we don't know where we are, where we are heading or where we want to end up. Fear not, because we at Lifestige may have a solution, or some hope. So you want to know what to do with your life,  don't expect to give you a tutorial, if that is what you are looking for then you my friend are a hopeless case, instead I will offer you tips. This tips will help pin point what you want in life, the rest is up to you.

Think about where you will be in 5 years

Where do you want to be in five years? It's is a tricky and annoying question. And cliche to but like it or not it is an important question when you want to figure what you want.

It doesn't matter where you will be in five years, but it is still an important question because it gives you an insight into what you want to pursue.

Write your personal manifesto

Trust me this is not a stupid idea! The idea is that if you can figure out where you stand on certain ideas, you might be able to flesh out a possible career or lifestyle path.

The art of manliness has some suggestions to get you started.

Pick your topics: Pick a few topics to concentrate on and make them as specific as possible. Ideas like, "The hours I want to work," or "How I want to commute," will suffice.

Set down your principles: Write down your believes and intentions.

Use strong affirmative language: It's easy to write a manifesto with words like "I want" or "I should" but that's not helping you. Write it out with an affirmative language like, "I will," or use the present tense with "I am."

Volunteer or shadow someone in a job you''re in a job you are interested in.

One of the reasons that figuring out what we want to do is so terrifying is because we tend to overcommit. So, don't do overcommit to and idea. But how do I do this? You may ask, don't worry take a couple days to try on the lifestyle. To do this you can try to volunteer or shadow someone at their job.

Dig into those side projects

Sometime the best way to figure out what you want to do with your life is to try out good old trial and error.

In a lot of cases this means trying out various projects you're interested in until you find something that draws your attention.

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