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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lesson In Contentment From Billionaires


We often hear about how those who have the most feel the least satisfied and for most truly wealthy people, this may be true, but Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger are not your average billionaires. At the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting in Omaha, the two provided attendees with important lessons at maintaining contentment no matter what your station in life. A few of the lessons include:
  • Find out what turns you on. Don't just do a job because you think it will pay a lot, you'll feel contentment when you do something you truly love.
  • Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. True contentment comes from the self-not by chasing the same things everyone else is fair.
  • Know your strengths. If you're not good at something don't do it. Instead go with your true strengths.
  • Know what you like and forget the rest. If you like your house, don't sell it for a bigger one just because you get more money. Stick with the things you love and you'll never feel left out.
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