Lifehacker recently had a poll where their readers had a chance to vote for their best android phones, the response was good, they got a total of 16,791 votes and some of the phones which performed best are.
1. HTC One.
HTC One took the top spot, most of the people who owns the phone praised it's build quality, sleek aluminum finish, and the new sense 5.0 user interface.
2. Nexus 4.
Nexus 4 is a Google phone manufactured by LG. It's the most powerful phone in the market right noe to the pure, stock Android experience out of the box, and since it's s nexus, you can trust that soon as there are updates to the Android operating system, this phone will get them.
3. Samsung Galaxy S4.
Recently launched and currently selling millions of handsets. Plus, Google announced that they will be selling unlocked S4 running the stock Android later this year.
4. Samsung Galaxy Note II.
The stylus equipped phablet that you'll neither love or hate based on it's size, but its specs are in dispute.
5. Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
It's been more than outpaced by hardware development, and some people questioned why it made the list, but it's still a great phone, and it's proof that great hardware can sometimes be supplanted by a superior development community and user experience.