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Monday, June 10, 2013

8 Habits of highly productive people.


Have you ever wondered how some people can do so much in a single day. How you day seems to be made of only 24 hours and while their day looks like is made of 48 hours. How do they get do much done so fast?  Being productive is definitely not about ones mental capability of intellect. It is about habits, what we do, how we do it.
Here are some habits that are common among productive people. Practice them and you will find your productivity sky rocketing.

 1. Ruthlessly cut away the unimportant and focus on the important.

The first habit is to slice and dice everything that's unimportant. Have no mercy and leave no survivors. If it is not productive it has to go.

For every thing you're doing now, ask yourself how important this is. Will it get you closer to your goals? If it won't then stop doing it. No point in doing something unimportant.

2. Allocate breaks strategically

Being productive does not mean you are a robot. Find out how you work. After how long do you get tired? Take frequent breaks to recharge. If you work nonstop without any breaks the value of your work is bound to reduce and you are bound to make mistakes.

3. Remove productivity pitstops

By this I mean distractions, anything that limits your productivity. It can be the music you listen to while you work, your slow computer, unwanted phone calls, texting, the internet, etc. These things trap you and prevent you from being completely productive.

4. Tap into your inspiration

How do you it? Simple, find anything that inspires you in life. Is it helping others grow? Connecting with people? Being recognized for your work?  Find put what inspires you and channel you energy towards it. That way you will be more productive.

5. Create barries to entry

A great thing about the world today is that it is easier to reach someone than it ever was. You are just a call/message/email/Facebook away. This creates distraction. If you want to be more productive make it harder to reach you.Switch off your phone, go offline, set up a rule about when you are going to reply to emails. After a while people will adhere to the rule in order to reach you.

6. Optimize time pockets

Time pockets means the time you have in between events.

Look at your schedule, when do you have this time pockets? Set up a plan on how to use them, such as reading, listening to podcasts, planning, etc. You will be amazed at what you can do in just a short amount of time.

7. Set timelines.

By Parkinson's law, work expands so as to fill time it is available to fill for its completion.

This means that if you don't set up a timeline, you can take forever to complete whatever it is that you are doing. If it is one week, you'll take one week, if it is two weeks, you will take two weeks. If you set one hour you will take one hour, if you trully want to.

When you set timelines, you set the intention to complete the work by this time, hence paving the way for the reality to manifest

8. Automate everything possible

Technology today has made automation possible for a lot of things we do. Keep a list of the things you do today, see how you can automate them. Some of the activities may include mail, scheduling,  tweeting/Facebook, payments, etc.

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