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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some will always say you're wrong.


Try to be an artist, a world traveler, a lawyer, or anything else. Regardless of what you do someone will tell you that you're wrong. But as CD Baby founder(and former president) Derek Sivers notes, it's all a load of crap.

You have to know your preferences well, because no matter what you so, someone will tell you you're wrong.

If you're not into money, many people will say you're foolish.

If you're not into charity, many people will say you're greedy.

If you're not into crowds, many people will say you're missing out.

Sivers explains that several careers don't meet the "right" criteria. Some poets get rich, many novelists work best alone, and you'll never even find and entrepreneur who cares more about making something great than making money. If you don't fit the norm -- or even if you do -- expect this kind of criticism. If you do and you know yourself well, you'll also know they're wrong.

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