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Friday, June 21, 2013

The best way to come up with new ideas is to get really bored.


When you hit the creativity block it is a natural tendency to try to get the mind moving with exercises, tricks, and other things. However, in and interview with the Guardian, author Neil Gaiman reminds us that sometimes the best creativity spark comes from boredom.

"People ask me where I get my ideas from," he said, "and the answer is that the best way to come up with new ideas is to get really bored."

Watching school plays was ideal, he continued.

"You have to sit for hours and you can't read or use a phone or check something on the web. I'll come out afterwards thinking: 'Did I just plot out and episode of Dr Who there? I think I did....' "

"I feel that I'm getting too dependent on phones, on Twitter," he said. "It's a symbiotic relationship. That instant ability to find things out, to share. I what to see what happens when I take some time off."

It's a good reminder that sometimes ditching the phone is all we need to create that creative space, or at least force a little productivity.

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