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Saturday, April 6, 2013

What do you think?



Come to think of it,Why do we live?At a point in time we’ll die and death will put a stop to the stuff we do. Apparently life is relative, every person has a different perspective of how we should live.Some think we should enjoy life to the fullest by doing all the inappropriate things such as getting toxic,sexing around,going out raving e.t.c while others think staying cool,keeping off the above inappropriate things is the way to go.Who is right?At a point been naughty is tiresome and boring and sometimes we just feel like we wanna be at our best on the realization that been bad does not pay and more-so it hurts and causes us pain.I think it’s all about the lives we lead,the friends we interact with,the activities and environment we do and operate in respectively that mold us. If you surround yourself with negative people you’ll never feel settled in or become equal.They’ll suppress you of your spirit and rinse you dry of smiles.
Many are the times we feel we are not who we are supposed to be.That’s why I never judge someone who behaves in a way I consider weird.Someone can be doing something wrong but deep down their hearts they’re weeping and wishing they were not what they are and all they need  is someone to pat their back and assure them that all is well.The bottom line is that “LIFE IS A GIFT AND IS RELATIVE” and if you spend every day wishing for the next to come,aged and lifeless is what you’ll become.
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